Sunday, February 14, 2010

Olympics Under Way ....

With the Games under way, my excitement and Canadian pride are at the all time high that only the Olympics can bring. As the games are still young with only 3 days in but are already full of pain, agony, success, and self-satisfaction that really show the wide range of human emotions that will only grow as the Games continue. Although there are negative aspects to what the Olympics bring to a Country they are far out weighted but the nation unity and joy that is so predominant right ... so I hope everyone is enjoying them as much as I am :).
With that said I think a medal prediction is due by myself (which will only matter if im close haha) ...
Prediction is a bold one ...
28 total medals to top the leader board.
"And Canada wins the game!"
Yeah you can say I'm optimistic and playing into the media driven sense of success ... by hey if I was a Canadian athlete its that national belief that feeds the relax feeling of willing the win of gold - not pressure!

"Do you believe?"

5 Year Chapter Complete

As usually the blog was put on the back burner but nice thing about that is there is definitely not a lack of stuff to talk about ...

This past week I completed my University basketball career as a Bison. We finished our season on a very big high note with a huge win over the University of Winnipeg. I'm not one to brag or talk big but the win proved a lot about our program and what could have happen if we had the chance to sneak into the playoffs (unfortunately we didn't get the wild-card after finishing tied for 5th). But what is done is done and I would not have wanted a different group of girls in the room with me when it was done :). I was fortunate to meet life-time friends over the past 5 years of playing and really grow as an athlete and person. I could take the time to thank everyone that as helped me along the way but they know who they are so I will spare everyone the details haha. So I will leave you with something that I wrote for Kait, my 5th year pattern and the best compliment to captaincy ever :)!

Wanting To Be Great
The train leaves the station ready to face the wind
Eager to please, compete and wanting to win
Nothing to lose and only confidence to gain
Only wanting to be part of the real fame
Start by going fast not knowing what to expect
Soon finding out its about pace and respect
They see the stop ahead not wanting to halt the flow
But know its a matter of time so they start to slow
One year has past but nothing has changed
Wanting to be great is still the main game
Looking out the window the scenery looks bright
They start to move and continue to fight
Question is, Should they lead or should they follow?
Trying to find a role that is bigger than the shadow
The train continues to run but with some struggle
Trying to find a way to solve this puzzle
And 1’s and 3’s with fun in the sun
The third stop on the journey has just begun
Starting to find their way and be themselves
Protecting the ‘Pride’ and everything else
Friends have come and gone, but they remain standing
Trying to play hard and do something amazing
The decision was made ‘Leaders we will be!’
Understanding now this is more than just ‘me’
It seems as they chug along the view passes quicker
Needing to complete things that much swifter
This team has become theirs but with great pressure
They embrace the challenge with immense pleasure
The time has now come to try and out run
With the confidence that they will be happy once it’s all done
Four years have passed and nothing has changed
Wanting to be great is still the main game
The time has now come to just ‘ball’ and have fun
Knowing this is and will be a great run
The journey is one of a kind and special opportunity
To be a part of something that means lots to many
As they approach the last stop with a smile on their face
Knowing that they have been a part of something great.

"I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith" T
Mich #14