Sunday, September 20, 2009

Musically Inspired

For those of us that have our iPod glued to our ears or on continuous play on the dock, know that you have artists or albums that you have on repeat. If you don't know what I'm talking about its probably because you have not discovered the beauty of the ipod or how the power of music can always keep you company. Not only do I love music (maybe because I have no musical talent what so ever) but my favorite part of playing albums on repeat is they serve as markers for time periods in your life. You know what I'm talking about - when you hear that backstreet boys song and pretend not to know all the words and say "Oh do remember when we did an air band to this in grade 6?!!" I'm telling you right now if I heard any song from K-OS's Joyful Rebellion album I instantly think about grade 10 lunch in the caf and it playing on repeat as we played our 100th game of urcher for the week - see the power of music!!
So back to the point of the post, thought I would share some of my current albums that are on repeat. Definitely displays my weird range in music ... like I said something for every mood.
"Music can say all the things you can't"

PS. Can you still refer to albums as albums anymore or should it be playlists?


  1. playing what card game sorry? urcher? EUCHRE maybe?
    hahahhhaha yes, joyful rebellion has the same effect on me...
    and king of the dancehall...
    love this mich.

  2. ditto. king of the dance hall ALWAYS reminds me of this :)

