Wow, 24 years! A Birthday is a weird thing that makes you feel excited for a special day but also makes you think about the year that has just pasted and what is to come. Needless to say I had a great birthday and got a great reminder of the all the awesome people in my life.
I started the morning with a quick stop at the gym - the girls just wanted to scrimmage for the day so that made my life easy. JP took the time to give me a sweet Livestrong t-shirt that I'm pumped to wear. Than back at home my cousins, Carolynn and Nicole, made me a delicious brunch, of pancakes and bacon - not too mention they are both fantastic bakers so there are christmas treats already on the counter! After we ate we decided to go check out the progress on the new house my uncle and aunt are building, to make the final transition of moving to Winnipeg. The building is starting to come along nicely and they should have a liveable house by the end of spring, which is exciting and a relief for them. We returned home, I took my car to get some winter tires put on than I started to get ready for my dinner date with Kait.
We headed to Bailey's restaurant downtown and had a great meal with great conversation. Than Kait did a great acting job of convincing me that she needed to call it an early night because she worked in the morning. We agreed to go hangout at Eric's for a bit before calling it a night.
Well when we get there I soon find out our night is just getting started. Eric has a great group of friends there to surprise me for my birthday! (and yes I was actually surprised :)) We hung out, watched some basketball, had a few drinks, than headed downtown for some dancing!
Let's just stay its the Wednesday before Christmas and real adults all had to work tomorrow, so we were the life of the party haha - it was fun!
All in all it was a great birthday, and as Kait reminded me I have had a ton of GREAT birthdays. For me birthdays are just an added holiday for me to be reminded of how lucky I am to have the people in my life that I do and remember those that have influenced it along the way.
Thank you to everyone who made it special!
"May there always be work for your hands to do, may your purse always hold a coin or two. May the sun always shine on your windowpane, may a rainbow be certain to follow each rain. May the hand of a friend always be near you, may God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you."
- Irish BlessingMich (-2)