Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Anything but studying ...

Play-by-play of what my studying looks like haha ...

I still have 4 more days of hardcore studying that needs to be done but I'm already at the point that if my brain gets a second to wander it starts to think about all the things I want to do once this is all over - this is a common experience for most university/college students. Your life is no longer days of the week but rather X days until the next exam, food seems to be the only reasonable thing to plan a break for yet at the end of the day facebook, coffee, exercise, nap and random complaining about all the studying seems to have consumed half your day. Not to mention that no matter how many semesters of school you have done or the number of exams you have taken, there always seems to be one, two or numerous times you catch yourself saying "if only I had done this earlier ..."

Well as my mom usually told me "there is no use looking back now, because what's done is done, just get better now". It's funny the things you recall or use to motivate you in your dire hours of last minute cramming. Ever since starting my engineering degree I knew school wasn't going to come as easily as it did when taking my Kin. degree, but it was weird to remember that I had already been there before. I was so bad at school from grades 1-4 and somehow my Mom and Dad convinced me that as long as I tried really hard and did my best I would be just as smart as all the other kids, it might just not show in the letter grade I got. Cheesy right ? ......... Well it worked and regardless if I wasn't as smart I just figured out a way that worked for me. To this day the one line that has gotten me through a lot of academic discomfort has been from my parents: "just do your best and don't compare yourself to others, things will take care of themselves".

So for now I stick to the process, trust that added motivation will find me when needed, and that at the end of it I'm learning so that I can have a job I love doing everyday.
Big picture perspective helps me attack the small hard tasks - like Calculus haha. Until tomorrow ....

"The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires." WW
Mich (-10)

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