Saturday, December 3, 2011

Christmas Cinema

Had a nice relaxing evening with Eric after another long day in the books. We grabbed a bite to eat and after searching for an event that would suite our mood, we found nothing. Not that there wasn't anything going on in Winnipeg (there was a ton of events after looking) we just started our search to late. Taking our time on the way home, we stopped in at Walmart to see if there were any movies that might catch our eye. Needless to say there was a ton of holiday 'specials' - which means they put 2 horrible movies in a box set with 1 great movie and call it the "____ super pack", which leaves you asking 'is that one movie worth sitting through two bad ones to make the purchase worth it?' haha ...... Anyways the point of this post is to get you thinking about your top 5 holiday movies, we all do it, we say that 'this movie is always on tv during christmas' and than pretend to be over it until you find yourself sitting there an hour and a half later still watching. So I say embrace it and sitting down and watch the whole thing start to finish!! Here are my top 5 movies that I have watched one too many times and will probably continue to do so this christmas:

1. A Christmas Story
2. The Grinch that Stole Christmas (Jim Carrey edition)
3. Sound of Music (although not a Christmas movie always plays on CTV)
4. A Christmas Vacation
5. Home Alone

Happy Viewing!

"Everybody seems to kerbabbled. Isn't this just a little superfluous?" CLW
Mich (-19)

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